Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Why I Can't Wait to Get Married

So..... I have a confession to make.

I've been a little..... bridezilla-ish. 

It's not like I planned, but apparently I am so caught up with not going over budget and getting stressed about venues, guest lists, and save-the-dates that I'm forgetting about focusing on the reasons I can't wait to marry my boo thang.

I really thought wedding planning was the fun part of being engaged.


So here goes. This is my list to help me refocus my energies into making my relationship awesome, keeping everyone around me happy, and reminding my fiancé why he wants to marry me.

Reasons I want to get married

Kevin's hott, and I'm totally in love with him.

(Engagement pics to follow, you WON'T be disappointed!)

I'm going to be REALLY old in April, (like, 24), so I better get married right away so I'm not an old maid, also known as "Small-town-syndrome".

Everyone gets married. And lives happily ever after. Right?

don't really kinda never maybe absolutely want to have children. I don't wanna!! Definitely.
(My feelings about children will change. Right?)

I want to wear a pretty dress. (And look super skinny in it.)

I want to go on a honeymoon. Hello, road-tripping with a boy!! (And staying overnight in a *gasp* hotel room!)

I want people to toast to me us and tell me us how great I we look and how happy I'll we'll be.
I love dancing. (That's a valid reason, right?)

I really want to rub it in everyone's faces how happy we'll be and how great we look together. I really want everyone to realize how much I love Kevin and how I can't wait to spend my life getting to know him even better. I love all of his weird quirks and annoying statements, and his gymnast-like ability to put his foot in his mouth while still continuing to talk. Wow. SO impressive!

I really can't wait to do all the things married people do. I love Kevin. I want to sit in front of the TV watching LMN movies and figuring out how we'd hide the body. I want to eat popcorn and cry during the most ridiculous romantic movie while he's waiting for the zombies that I told him would show up "sometime real soon". I want to raise a family with him and cry when they turn out to be mini-Kevins. (Omg.... that is terrifying. Hopefully, they don't inherit the trouble-making/finding gene. LOL!)


This post was inspired by a really cute blog (Stellar Piece) that is written by a friend & his gf. I think when you get engaged, you lose some of that fun & carefree feeling about your relationship. It becomes very permanent, and that's scary. I'm making it a goal to focus on the little things and stay positive, even when wedding planning makes me want to scream. 

Thanks for your love and support in this somewhat trying time.... I will start putting up some funny stories about Kev & myself so you can laugh along with me in my fight to stay sane and have fun wedding planning!


Kelly totally-calm-bride-to-be Davis

Thursday, July 11, 2013


You read that right.

I'm basically walking the line between getting everything I want while avoiding Bridezilla status. Although...that would get me on T.V......

I've always dreamed of having a perfect engagement, having an enthusiastic but hands-OFF groom and no meddling relatives, and of course, NO hassle booking the venue and setting a date.

Was I asking for too much?

Here's where the "unselfishly-selfish" term comes in. (Not sure if I made that up myself, but you can use it. If you'd like. Just give me credit if you get rich because of it!)

Picking the Wedding Party

My loving fiance, Kevin-hunkalicious-Strausbaugh, has decided to make my life as a bride-to-be a NIGHTMARE. I'm so glad I love him..... and that I decided to let him live. (Usually, I'd add an "LOL" here to lighten things up.... but I won't.)

Let's take: "How To Drive Her Crazy" for $1000, Alex!

April: Kevin, sweetie pie, can you please pick your groomsmen so I can pick my girls?
May: Hun, did you ask them yet? Can you do that? We need to get them picked. Thanks a bunch!
June: Seriously, can you pick them? Like, now? Oh, you're only having two? Ok, thank you.

Yep. Thankfully, it means I got to ask a girl I had been waiting to include, I just had to wait for princess over here to make up his mind. I have three wonderful ladies who I will have standing by my side:

  • My twin sister Jess Young
  • My BFF Emily Pembroke
  • My other BFF Ashley Hughes
One thing I NEVER expected was for people to actually ask or assume they were in your wedding.... but apparently it's a real thing! Ladies, stay classy... wait to be asked!! 

Setting a Date

It's the dreaded question. "When are you getting married? Have you set a date?"

Oh. My. Gosh. I guess in April, my typical answer of: "We're working on it! (Giggle giggle)" was adorable, and now.... I get that look of, "Oh dear, you do know you ONLY have 9 months left, right?"

Yes, I'm quite aware. 

If I could find a place to fit 200 people in a rustic setting and bring my own food and NOT have to spend six grand on catering... That'd be great. (True story...)

Don't get me started on trying to fit OUR wedding into OTHER people's schedules. Seriously?? Didn't realize YOU were getting married .I love being organized and planning things, but let me say that I will be very quick to tell people planning their own weddings to keep as much as they can to themselves. Do it YOUR way, and don't be a pushover. Lesson learned. 

***We are booking the venue and date tomorrow. You can't book the date without checking the venue to see what they have, which is another thing people don't seem to get. 

Anyways, I love my man, and I think that's the only thing I need to really focus on. Thanks for reading this rant.... hopefully you'll get some helpful advice from it! That would really be a win-win! The balance I'm working toward is getting what we want while making sure everyone else has a good time. Hence... "Unselfishly Selfish."

I'll be trying on dresses in late July, so excited!! That is.... if I make it till then..... wish me luck!! 

Kelly D