Wednesday, November 6, 2013

How to become a happier worrier

Today, I'm on a quest to become a happier worrier. 

I'd like to just be happier, but the content of this post should help you understand why that's just not possible. Let's dive on in, shall we?

For those of you who may not know, Kevin recently made a huge career change. After feeling very frustrated with a job that he didn't see a future at, he decided to join the Publix family. (Kevin's entire family works for Publix. Maybe not the entire family, but it's almost impossible to name a married couple in his immediate family who has no connection to the store.)

Do I think that Publix is awesome? You bet I do. Are they sometimes expensive? Always. Do they have great BOGOs? You're darn tootin.

If we weren't right in the middle of buying our first home, and if I was making more money, it probably wouldn't be such a huge deal, but the transition has been a little rocky.

I'm going to preach for a quick second, then I'll return to my usual, snarky self. I pray and tithe as faithfully as I can. I have been praying a lot these past few weeks for patience, faith and peace. It's beginning to get a little easier to see the big picture.

Generally speaking, I like to be in charge. I get a thrill from to-do lists. Yes, a thrill. Get over it. (See? Back to my facetious self in no time.) This time in our lives has been a huge reminder that I don't have control, I can only control my reactions to what happens.

I'm also fabulous at focusing on the "small stuff". Ask Kevin. I really feel for him sometimes. I'm famous for getting excited over the small things in life.

Examples include, and are not limited to
getting a new haircut
food (in general)
when my niece says, "I love you, aunt."
 when my niece tries and almost succeeds at doing a cartwheel (She's not even 4, and practically an experienced gymnastic. Olympics, here we come!)
for great dancing/singing/miming songs played in the car, especially when someone else is driving and I can become an interpretive dancing sensation
an awesome book
hearing a friend tell a really funny story
having a funny story to tell
great days at work! 

(If you've ever seen the show The Middle, I'm basically Sue Heck. I have heard this comparison from more than one person. So I had some rough high school years. I'm over it. Kind of.)

I am get excited over small things, which I enjoy doing. This also means I can get easily frustrated while Kevin is the complete opposite. We both have our faults, and during this new challenge, we are trying to work through all the annoying stuff.

One of the changes, as silly as it seems, is Kevin's new schedule.
He worked all weekend. Are you kidding me? His "days off" were Monday and Tuesday.
Monday and Tuesday.
I'm serious.
Let me take a quick moment to say that I'm thankful for this new job. He's got great intentions. He's got a big heart and even bigger goals. Kevin wants to own Publix. (Not really, but he has big plans.) It's not like I never see him, I do. He's not off in some foreign country, or doing something insane, it's just a big change for us. For the past two years, I've looked forward to our weekends off together, and now I don't know what his schedule consists ahead of time.

I've really had to pray about my reactions to things in life I can't control. I've blogged about this before, about not becoming a bridezilla. I want to be that girl who floats through life, not a care in the world. Who makes a mistake, fixes it, and doesn't spend two days sick with guilt over the tiniest error.

That would make me Kevin.

And if I were Kevin, and Kevin was Kevin, who would worry about the small stuff? Getting the signed papers turned into the mortgage people? Calling to follow up on the venue because someone (cough cough KEVIN) messed up the contract? Getting stamps and addresses for the wedding guest list? Buying me clothes? See what I mean?

Someone has to worry about the small stuff, I just want to be a happier worrier. Possible? Maybe. Am I going to try? I got my pants on, don't I? 

(That's a rhetorical question. I am in fact wearing pants.)

Any advice is welcome, I look forward to hearing your stories, heeding your advice, eating your food, and being your friend.

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