Monday, April 8, 2013

Does Distance Make the Heart Grow Fonder?

Kevin and I have been "long distance" for quite some time now.

After the summer we started dating, I had to move back to Tampa for school. It's only about an hour drive, but it was hard to go without seeing each other all the time for the whole summer.

I graduated in December of 2012, and it was a beautiful day of celebration and family. I thoroughly enjoyed being in school, and that's also where I met my best friend, Emily. Attending USF brought many challenges, but I really feel like it was the best school I could have picked. I love my friends, my major and my experiences that came from those few short years. (Looking back, they flew by. At the time, I thought it would never end!)

I moved straight up to Tallahassee after graduating to participate in an internship lobbying for the Florida Cattlemen's Association. If you know anything about me, (see my other blog here) you know that I love Florida and it's agriculture industry. I'm an advocate of Florida's farmers and ranchers, and that can be a little intimidating to guys... thankfully Kevin has always been really supportive, and great arm-candy to have around. (Am I right, ladies?)

We have been having discussions about where I'll be moving, or if I'll be coming home to Manatee county after I'm done with lobbying during the legislative session in May. My decision isn't going to be easy, although my heart says to move home, because it's my HOME. I was born and raised in Myakka City, just like my dad, and that's where we want to plant our roots. Distance has been hard on us, especially since I moved to Tallahassee. I'm no longer an hour away, I'm 5 hours away.

I realize that people have gone through worse, and I'm not saying this is difficult or that it's as hard as having an army boyfriend, but it is rough. We are both busy, but I think this has really made us stronger and we have realized that we can get through anything! If anything.... distance makes me like him even more! ;)

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